Friday, May 11, 2007

You know it's been a rough week.....

...when you get sympathy e-mails from sheep:

Dear d~,

When my not so bright owner, "C", was out checking on us the other day, I overheard him mumbling that your husband wasn't feeling so well :^( Even though he doesnt have the brains to send you an email wishing you and your family well, we sheep know better. Let me tell you how stupid that "C" guy is! We pretend that we are grazing everytime he come out to the field to check on us, but the second he goes back to the house, we pilfer his wireless internet connection and google all day! (TeeHeeHee - Silly Human) The cows got us a decent laptop and we hide it in the stonewall.

Since you were nice enough to put my picture on your website, the least I could do is show you my 2 boys I just had on Tuesday. Man, are they alot of work. Well, enough of my ramblings, it's time for me take a nap while I have a chance and count people jumping over the fence ;)

Take care of p~ and yourself. You're in our prayers.

If I dont see you in the future, then in the pasture.



aren't they just the cutest!?!

I hope to catch up on stuff this weekend - including an update of fiber projects and adventures.

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