Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Elsebeth Lavold

Babe! I *love* your patterns.

Serious. But, HOLY CRAP! Could you get a better technical editor / quality assurance team?

Seems like every time I knit a pattern I end up with a calculator going "HUH!?!" and then checking your website for errata.




sad news (not fiber related)

Sad, sad news.

I recently purchased some books by one of my favorite authors and went to Wikipedia today to try and put them in chronological order with the others I've read.

Come to find out, George C. Chesbro passed away 11/18/08.

I'm so sad.

His "Mongo Mysteries" are truly amazing. I had just finished reading Veil and the Chant novels - I'm just so, so sad.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Today's my day!!!

It totally crept up on me, but YES! Today is my day in the Stitch 'n Bitch page a day calendar!!!!! (See right)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

I'm late...


The most christian i'll ever get

Especially Sarah McLachlan's version. The only time I'd ever consider using a pre-writing prayer.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

there is no god

I'm sitting in my home office, browsing my regular news and entertainment sites and I hear, from the living room, what I can only assume is the beginning of "Sweeney Todd"

Dear god.

I had no idea.

I mean, Johnny! Is it possible you have made a mistake bigger than "21 Jump Street"!?!

follow link for source

March 1, 2015

I can't believe it's almost been a month since Rhinebeck! Oh, the things I saw! Oh the things I made! OH! the things I bought!!!!!

First, there were workshops, then there was an afternoon of fiber adventures with my BIL and his DW who were with me as I tried out my first wheel (see below), bought my first sweater kit (which was also to be my first FairIsle pattern, and which I just figured out this weekend is going to be my first STEEK - EEK!!!). We tried free cheese and wine, had ok fair food, got very very cold, and totally freaked out my BIL - he couldn't believe that every corner we turned THERE WAS MORE "SHEEP [and yarn, and knitting] SHIT!" I asked him what he thought I meant when I asked if they wanted to meet up with me at a "FIBER FESTIVAL" - - ?!?

Then there was a whole day of me wandering alone - I absolutely fell in love with ALPACAS!! They're so tiny! With SUCH BIG EYES! I bet I could keep one or two in my back yard!! (although I have been cautioned that my conservative CT town wouldn't stand for it!)

Anyway: My in laws were with me for my first spinning wheel experience....

I sat at a Golding spinning wheel. My first time sitting at a wheel and trying it. Now, people had been telling me to sit and try wheels before I bought one and I always said to them "but, I don't know what to look for! How will I *know*?"


With a Golding, even a spinning virgin *KNOWS*; it's an AMAZING experience.

I fell in love. I had to have one!

Spoke to Tom, who was manning the booth, told him the one I wanted (Habetrot, with matching chair - you have to scroll down a bit on each page to see the exact one.)

Come to find out, there's a reason the spinning wheel doesn't have a price listed on the website!!! OUCH! I was prepared for $6-$9K, I mean, it's ART! It's an investment! but when he told me how much, I almost fainted.

Tom offered to work with me on designing my own, using simpler motifs and a corresponding lower price tag - I was ecstatic!! "Do you need a deposit!?"

Well, yes and no. You see, Tom's booked way out - so I could put a $100 deposit on a delivery date. I'm all for it!!! What date did I "buy"?

See the title of this post.

Friday, September 19, 2008


Booked a BnB. And I'm registering for these workshops:

I'm treating myself to an adventure and I refuse to feel guilty about it!