I've been dreaming about Minneapolis a lot lately. I moved here to CT[1]about 12 years ago to be with p~. I've never really warmed to CT; now that he's gone, I'm not sure what's keeping me here. I guess it's mostly that he loved our little house and to leave it behind would feel like betrayal.
However, I continue to dream of large warehouse/loft apartments in downtown Minneapolis and pleasant times wandering the bustling streets of Uptown. Occasionally an old boyfriend pops up and I feel guilty.
I know it can't be the same as it was 15 years ago. I know I'm not the same.
But I want it to be; I want me to be.
It's all about loss. I guess that's what the next few years will be all about: loss.
The baby sweater is almost done - pix to follow.
Just had some stuff I had to get off my mind....
[1] aka: "the fifth ring of hell" per Denis Leary in _The Ref_ - and he lives here!